miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2009

Now I will speak on different sports that existed in those times.
First I will speak on the basketball.

The Basketball.

Basketball is a team sport in which two teams of 5 players try to score points against one another, placing a ball through 3.048 m, in the goal under organized rules. Basketball is one of the most popular and widely viewed sports in the world. The best league were and is the NBA.

It is played by two teams of five persons, during 4 periods or quarters of 10 or 12 minutes each one.
On having finished the second quarter, a rest is realized, normally from 10 to 20 minutes according to the own regulation of the championship to which the game belongs.

One picture of baketball.
Of one of the best players who existed in the NBA, Mikel Jordan.

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